Maintenance Jobs

Maintenance Jobs

Peabody’s maintenance staff is comprised of highly skilled and highly trained employees who ensure our equipment runs reliably using highly developed maintenance techniques. At some of our locations, we have vocational technology programs set up with local colleges to bring skilled people into our workforce.

Maintenance jobs at Peabody include:

  • Supervisors
  • Electricians
  • Welders/Boilermakers
  • Fitters
  • High Voltage Electricians
  • Planners
Search results for "". Page 2 of 2, Results 26 to 30 of 30
Req ID Sort descending Title Location
4143 Maintenance Planner
4143 Maintenance Planner Mudgee, NSW, AU, 2850
Mudgee, NSW, AU, 2850
4108 North Complex (Rawhide) - Mechanic
4108 North Complex (Rawhide) - Mechanic Gillette, WY, US, 82716
Gillette, WY, US, 82716
3880 Supervisor Maintenance Diesel
3880 Supervisor Maintenance Diesel Adger, AL, US, 35006
Adger, AL, US, 35006
3873 Drill, Dragline and Shovel Regional Maintenance Crew Gillette, WY, US, 82718
2391 Electrician
2391 Electrician Adger, AL, US, 35006
Adger, AL, US, 35006